Configure online banking

If you intend to use the Online Banking Service, you must enable and configure online banking settings for each tenant of your application that needs to consume this service.

Enable online banking

To enable online banking for a tenant:

  • Run the updateTenant mutation of the Account API and set the onlineBankingEnabled flag to true.

For example:

mutation updateTenant($id:ID!, $input:UpdateTenantInput!) {
  updateTenant(id:$id, input:$input) {
    "id": "YOUR_TENANT_ID",
    "input": {
        "onlineBankingEnabled": true

To disable online banking for a tenant, run the same mutation as above, while supplying a false value as input.

Setting monthly quotas

In addition to enabling online banking for a tenant, you can set the following monthly quotas (limits) related to online banking:

  • the maximum number of balance inquiries allowed for the tenant (that is, the number of successful balance queries)
  • the maximum number of transaction inquiries allowed for the tenant (that is, the number of successful transactions queries)

By default, a tenant’s monthly quotas are null, which means an unlimited number of balance or transaction inquiries is allowed (if online banking is enabled). In other words, online banking must be enabled for the tenant before the quotas take effect.

If you set monthly quotas, then the balance inquiries (or transaction inquiries, as configured) will fail with a descriptive error when the monthly quota is reached, for example: “Tenant balance inquiry monthly quota exceeded”.

To set a monthly quota for balance inquiries:

  • Run the updateTenant mutation of the Account API and set the onlineBankingBalanceInquiryMonthlyQuota flag to the maximum number of balance inquiries that should be allowed.

To set a monthly quota for transaction inquiries:

  • Run the updateTenant mutation of the Account API and set the onlineBankingTransactionsInquiryMonthlyQuota flag to the maximum number of balance inquiries that should be allowed.