Verify an email identity at application level

To send email, an application requires a verified email identity. An email identity is an email address which has been verified and thus authorized to send email on behalf of your application. You may add and verify multiple email identities for each application.

Web UI

To verify an email identity through the Web UI interface:

  1. Sign in to the SBS Console.

  2. Click the WebUI tab.

  3. In the left-hand side navigation menu, click Applications.

  4. Click the application to which you would like to add the email identity.

  5. Click the E-mail tab.

  6. Click the Add Button button in the top-right corner of the email identities table. A dialog box appears.

    Add email identity dialog box

  7. Enter a valid email address and click Verify email. The email identity now has PENDING status.

  8. Check the email inbox for any incoming email. You should receive four email messages that provide a verification link.

  9. Click each verification link in order to complete the verification of the email identity. Upon successful verification, you will be presented with a dialog box similar to the one below:

    Verification successful

Separately, the status of the email identity will be updated from PENDING to VERIFIED in the email identities table. Note that this is not an immediate process; you should allow approximately one hour for the status to be updated.


To verify an email identity through the GraphQL interface:

  1. Sign in to the SBS Console and click the GraphQL tab. Alternatively, access the Account API programmatically from your own GraphQL development environment.
  2. Run the verifyEmailIdentity mutation and supply the email address to be validated as input.
mutation verifyEmailIdentity($appId:ID!,$address:EmailAddress!) {
  verifyEmailIdentity(appId:$appId,address:$address) {
    "appId": "YOUR_APP_ID",
    "address": "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS"
  1. As a result, you will receive four email messages at the specified email address. For each of the received email, click the confirmation link. This authorizes the corresponding inbox to send email through the Email Service API. The reason for the four email messages is the same as described above for the Web UI.

To view the current status of email identities (verified or pending verification) for a particular app, run the following query:

query app($id:ID!){
  app(id:$id) {
    emailIdentities {
    "id": "YOUR_APP_ID"