Email UI

From the Email page of the SBS portal, you can perform the following actions:

  • View the inbound email for the currently selected account/app/tenant.
  • View the outbound email for the currently selected account/app/tenant.
  • View the email accounts entitled to send email from SBS (also known as “email identities”), and their verification status (pending, verified).
  • View the third-party email accounts verified by app-password that are entitled to send email from SBS.
  • View the Internet domains entitled to send email from SBS (also known as “domain identities”), and their verification status (pending, verified).
  • View the email domain at which all email is received for the current account/app/tenant (also known as the “inbound domain”).
  • Debug failed email delivery. More specifically, you can view whether a particular email address is blocked for email delivery by the Amazon SES suppression list. You can also remove an email address from the Amazon SES suppression list if it’s found there. For details, see Address Status (Amazon SES suppression list).


You can access the Email page of the portal as follows:

  1. Sign in to the SBS Portal. During the sign-in process, you will be prompted to select the account, app, and tenant where you are entitled to sign in.
  2. Click email-api in the left hand-side menu.

To interact with the Email service, you can use either the Web UI or a GraphQL interface. You can switch at any time between the two interfaces by clicking the switch displayed at the top of the page:

Switch between Web and GraphQL

Inbound email

To view the inbound email, click the Inbox tab. By default, the grid shows email messages received within the past 7 days. To show messages for a different time period, select a different date interval from the Created at Date picker.

Click a row in the grid to display a dialog box with full details about a particular email message.

Outbound email

To view the outbound email, click the Sent tab. By default, the grid shows email messages sent within the past 7 days. To show messages for a different time period, select a different date interval from the Created at Date picker.

Click a row in the grid to display a dialog box with full details about a particular email message.

Email identities

This tab displays email accounts for which a verification request was initiated, and the actual verification status. The verification status may be one of the following:

  • PENDING - this status indicates that a verification request was initiated (and instructions were sent to that email address), but the email address has not been verified yet. Email addresses having PENDING status cannot send email.
  • VERIFIED - the email address verification has completed successfully and the email address can send email.

For information about verifying email accounts, see Verify email identity.

App password accounts

This tab displays Google or Microsoft email addresses that were authorized to send email via app password. For information about authorizing Google or Microsoft accounts to send email from SBS, see Sending email from a Google or Microsoft 365 email address.

Note that email accounts present in this list may or may not be able to send email, depending on whether the app password is still valid. For example, the email account cannot send email if the user has deleted the app password from their Microsoft of Google account.

Domain identities

This tab displays Internet domains for which a verification request was initiated. The verification status may be one of the following:

  • PENDING - this status indicates that a verification request was initiated, but the domain DNS information has not been added or propagated yet. Domains having PENDING status cannot send email.
  • VERIFIED - the domain verification has completed successfully and any email from that domain can send email.

For information about verifying email domains, see Send email from any email address of a custom domain.

Inbound email

This tab displays the domain that was registered as inbound domain for the current tenant. For example, if this value is, then all email sent to this email domain will be received by the current tenant and visible in the Inbound tab. Examples:


For information about configuring the inbound domain, see Receiving email.

Address status (Amazon SES suppression list)

The Address Status tab provides a tool that is helpful to debug failed email delivery to certain email addresses.

To deliver email to recipients, SBS relies on Amazon Web Services (AWS). As part of its Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) offering, AWS maintains a list of email addresses that are suppressed for delivery, called Amazon SES suppression list. An email address may be added by AWS to the suppression list if delivery to that email address has failed due to various reasons.

To view whether an email address is on the Amazon SES suppression list:

  • On the Address Status tab, enter the email address of interest, and then click Query Status.

If the returned status is OK, the email address is not on the suppression list and email delivery to this email address is not blocked by AWS.

If the returned status is SUPPRESSED, delivery to that email address is blocked by AWS, and the reason is displayed accordingly, for example:

Unsuppress Email Address

You can remove the email address from the suppression list if necessary. To do this, click Unsuppress. Note that this button is available only if the email address was actually found on the Amazon SES suppression list.

When you click Unsuppress, a request is sent to AWS to remove the email address from the suppression list and the outcome is displayed on the page. If the returned status is OK, the email address has been successfully removed from the suppression list.