Document Log Service

Access info

Required access keys Tenant-level service access key
Pricing Please contact us for details at
Notes To call the service, the access key must be provided in the x-api-key header of the HTTP request. If you are using the GraphQL console, you can view the service’s documentation and schema only after entering an access key. Make sure that the scope of the key allows access to the queries and mutations that you require. For example, to grant the key access to all queries and mutations, the keys’s scope must be set to document-log-api:query:* document-log-api:mutation:*.


The Document Log Service enables calling applications to log various events. The service provides the ability to capture multiple categories of data, namely:

  • Document ID (for example, the ID of an invoice)
  • Document type (for example, for invoices the document type could be “invoice”)
  • The date and time when the log event occurred
  • Attribute (for example, the field “Address” on an invoice)
  • Old and new values of some attribute (for example, you may log the value of the field “Address” before and after it was changed)
  • Author (captures details about the person who took the logged action)
  • Action (the actual action that took place, for example “create”, “update”, or “delete”)
  • Event source (for example, the application or module/component from where the log originates)
  • Event location (for example, the IP address of the computer involved in the logged event)
  • Comment (some notes about the event that you would like to store)
  • Custom field 1 (a custom field to be used at your discretion)
  • Custom field 2 (a custom field to be used at your discretion)

When logging an event, most of the fields above are optional. The only mandatory fields are Document ID, Document type, and the date and time when the log event occurred.

The service provides the ability to log, update, and retrieve logged data in any of the following ways:

  • To create a single log record for some event, use the createLog mutation.
  • To create a batch of log records in a single operation, use the createLogBatch mutation.
  • To create a batch of log records that all pertain to the same document (single-document log), use the createSingleDocumentLogs mutation.
  • To retrieve and optionally filter the created logs, use the logs query.
  • To update existing logs, use the updateLog mutation. The updatable fields are Comment, Custom field 1, and Custom field 2.




Argument Type Description
filter LogsFilter Optional. Provides options for filtering the query results.
nextToken String Optional argument used to fetch the next set of query results. This value can be obtained from the nextToken attribute of the LogsResult type.
LogsFilter input
Attribute Type Description
documentType String Optional. If provided, the result will contain only logs having this document type.
documentId String Optional. If provided, the result will contain only logs having this document ID.
authorId String Optional. If provided, the result will contain only logs having this author ID.
dateTime DateFilter Optional. If provided, the result will contain only logs that occurred within this temporal range.
id String Optional. If provided, the result will contain only the log with this ID.
attributeId String Optional. If provided, the result will contain only logs having this attributeID.
action String Optional. If provided, the result will contain only logs having this action.
custom1 String Optional. If provided, the result will contain only logs filtered by this custom field.
custom2 String Optional. If provided, the result will contain only logs filtered by this custom field.
DateFilter input
Attribute Type Description
from String Provides the starting date and time of the range.
to String Provides the end date and time of the range.


LogsResult type
Attribute Type Description
items [Log] An array of Log objects matching the filter criteria.
nextToken String If null, then the query has reached the end of the list of results that match the query criteria. If not null, then use this value in the nextToken input argument, with the same filter, to fetch the next set of results.
Log type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The unique identifier of the log record.
documentId ID The unique identifier of the document associated with this log.
documentType String The document type associated with this log.
attributeId ID The identifier of the attribute associated with this log.
attribute Attribute The attribute object associated with this log.
attributeNewValue Value The attribute value after the log event.
attributeOldValue Value The attribute value before the log event.
dateTime DateTime The date and time when the log event occurred. Not to be confused with createdAt field (see below).
authorId ID The unique identifier of the log’s author.
author Author The actual author object associated with this log.
eventSource EventSource This object provides details about the source of the log event.
eventLocation EventLocation This object provides details about the location of the log event.
comment String A comment with additional information about the log record.
custom1 String A custom field with additional information about the log record.
custom2 String A custom field with additional information about the log record.
action String Provides details about some action that took place.
createdAt DateTime The date and time when the log record was created in SBS.
updateAt DateTime The date and time when the log record was updated in SBS.
Attribute type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The unique identifier of the attribute record.
name Name The name of the attribute.
Value type
Attribute Type Description
raw String The raw representation of the value.
display String The representation of the value suitable for display in an application.
Author type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The author’s unique identifier.
name String The author’s name.
profile String The author’s profile information.
EventSource type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The unique identifier of the event source.
name Name The name of the event source.
EventLocation type
Attribute Type Description
id String The IP address associated with the log event.
geoLocation [Float] This is an array of two values [longitude, latitude] that identifies the geographical location of the recorded event in decimal degrees notation. For example, [40.848447, -73.856077].


Returns the API version.



Logs an event.


Attribute Type Description
input CreateLogInput! Mandatory. Provides input data to the mutation.
CreateLogInput input
Attribute Type Description
documentId ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the document to which the log pertains (for example, an invoice ID).
documentType String! Mandatory. The document type as it is defined in your ERP application’s taxonomy.
dateTime DateTime! Mandatory. The date and time when the event occurred.
attribute AttributeInput Optional. The attribute object associated with this log.
attributeNewValue ValueInput Optional. The attribute value after the log event.
attributeOldValue ValueInput Optional. The attribute value before the log event.
author AuthorInput Optional. The actual author object associated with this log.
eventSource EventSource Optional. This object captures details about the source of the log event.
eventLocation EventLocation Optional. This object captures details about the location of the log event.
comment String Optional. A comment with additional information about the log record.
custom1 String Optional. A custom field with additional information about the log record.
custom2 String Optional. A custom field with additional information about the log record.
action String Optional. Captures details about the action that took place.
AttributeInput input
Attribute Type Description
id ID The unique identifier of the attribute record.
name Name The name of the attribute.
ValueInput input
Attribute Type Description
raw String The raw representation of the value.
display String The representation of the value suitable for display in an application.
AuthorInput input
Attribute Type Description
id ID The author’s unique identifier.
name String The author’s name.
profile String The author’s profile information.
EventSourceInput input
Attribute Type Description
id ID The unique identifier of the event source.
name Name The name of the event source.
EventLocationInput input
Attribute Type Description
id String The IP address associated with the log event.
geoLocation [Float] An array of two values [longitude, latitude] that identifies the geographical location of the log event. For example, [40.848447, -73.856077].


CreateLogResult type
Attribute Type Description
item Log The created log record’s details.
itemId ID The id of the created log record.


Logs a batch of events.


Attribute Type Description
input CreateLogInput!! Mandatory. Provides input data to the mutation, as an array of CreateLogInput.


CreateLogBatchResult type
Attribute Type Description
results [CreateLogBatch] An array of CreateLogBatch objects, where each object contains a log record’s details.
CreateLogBatch type
Attribute Type Description
item Log The created log record’s details.
itemId ID The id of the created log record.
error Error The error object associated with this log record, if any.
Error type
Attribute Type Description
message String The text of the error message.


Logs a batch of events that all pertain to the same document. This mutation is useful when the document, author, event source, event location, and the logged action are the same for all events that are to be logged.


Attribute Type Description
input CreateSingleDocumentLogsInput! Mandatory. Provides input data to the mutation.
CreateSingleDocumentLogsInput input
Attribute Type Description
documentId ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the document to which the log pertains (for example, an invoice ID).
documentType String! Mandatory. The document type as it is defined in your ERP application’s taxonomy.
dateTime DateTime! Mandatory. The date and time when the event occurred.
changes [CreateSingleDocumentLogChangeInput]! Mandatory. The array of changes to be logged.
author AuthorInput Optional. The actual author object associated with this log.
eventSource EventSource Optional. This object captures details about the source of the log event.
eventLocation EventLocation Optional. This object captures details about the location of the log event.
action String Optional. Captures details about the action that took place.
CreateSingleDocumentLogsChangeInput input
Attribute Type Description
attribute AttributeInput Optional. The attribute object associated with this log.
attributeNewValue ValueInput Optional. The attribute value after the log event.
attributeOldValue ValueInput Optional. The attribute value before the log event.
comment String Optional. A comment with additional information about the log record.
custom1 String Optional. A custom field with additional information about the log record.
custom2 String Optional. A custom field with additional information about the log record.


See the CreateLogBatchResult type.


Updates a log’s comment and custom fields.


Attribute Type Description
input UpdateLogInput! Mandatory. Provides input data to the mutation.
UpdateLogInput input
Attribute Type Description
id ID! Mandatory. The ID of the log record to be updated.
custom1 String Optional. The new value of the custom1 field.
custom2 String Optional. The new value of the custom2 field.
comment String Optional. The new value of the comment field.


See the Log type.