File Management Service

Access info

Required access keys Tenant-level service access key
Pricing Please contact us for details at
Notes To call the service, the access key must be provided in the x-api-key header of the HTTP request. If you are using the GraphQL console, you can view the service’s documentation and schema only after entering an access key. Make sure that the scope of the key allows access to the queries and mutations that you require. For example, to grant the key access to all queries and mutations, the keys’s scope must be set to file-management-api:query:* file-management-api:mutation:*.


The File Management Service enables managing files in the cloud (create, update, delete). You can create the file content either by downloading it from a publicly accessible URI or by uploading the file content separately through an HTTP PUT method.

Files can be publicly accessible or protected. In case of protected files, you can generate a temporary download URL that will expire after a custom number of seconds.

The API also provides the ability to filter records, and add custom file attributes.

Creating files

Creating new files is a two-step operation. First, run the createFile mutation and specify the file name to be created as input, for example:

mutation create_file($input:CreateFileInput) {
  createFile(input: $input) {
  "input": {
    "name": "info.pdf"

The mutation above creates a file and returns the file’s upload URL. The latter is required for the next step. Note that the period after which the upload URL will expire can be parameterized according to your needs. In the mutation above, it is 3600 seconds (1 hour).

Secondly, run an HTTP PUT request and upload the actual file bytes to the upload URL. The exact program code to achieve this depends on the language you are using. With cURL, the upload operation looks as follows:

  • If you have a bash terminal, run:
    curl --location --request PUT 'YOUR_UPLOAD_URL' --header 'Content-Type: application/pdf' --data-binary '@/path/to/your/file.pdf'
  • If you have a Windows terminal, run:
    curl --location --request PUT "YOUR_UPLOAD_URL" --header "Content-Type: application/pdf" --data-binary "@C:\file.pdf"

For a more detailed example, see the Tutorial: Create a file.

Renaming files

To rename a file, run the updateFile mutation. You will need to supply as input the file ID and the new file name (with extension), for example:

mutation($input:UpdateFileInput) {
  updateFile(input: $input) {
  "input": {
    "id": "YOUR_FILE_ID",
    "name": "renamedFile.txt"

Updating files

You can update existing files by issuing a new HTTP PUT request to the file’s upload URL, with the new file bytes in the payload of the request. To obtain the file’s upload URL, run the files query and make sure to set the URL’s expiry timeout to a suitable value for your needs, for example:

query($filter:FilesFilter, $uploadUrlTimeout:Int) {
    items {
      uploadUrl(expiresIn: $uploadUrlTimeout)
  "filter": {
    "id": "YOUR_FILE_ID"
  "uploadUrlTimeout": 3600

While the upload URI is still valid, run an HTTP PUT request to replace the file content. This request looks like the one illustrated above for creating new files.

Note that you can change the actual file’s bytes but you cannot change the file content (MIME) type (for example, from text to PDF). To achieve that, you will need to create a new file.

Deleting files

To delete a file, run the deleteFile mutation. You will need to supply as input the file ID of the file to be deleted, for example:

mutation delete_file($id: String) {
  deleteFile(id: $id) {
    "id": "YOUR_FILE_ID"

Uploading large files

When you need to upload large files exceeding 100 MB, you should consider the multipart upload. This means uploading the file in smaller chunks, rather than performing the upload as one operation. To perform a multipart upload, the API provides dedicated mutations. More precisely, the steps for uploading a large file are as follows:

  1. Programmatically split the file into several file parts (byte arrays). Each part must be larger than 5 MB and less than 5 GB. There is no minimum size limit on the last part.
  2. Call initiateMultipartUpload to obtain a unique identifier of the upload.
  3. For each individual part, call generatePartUploadUrl to get its upload URL.
  4. To upload each individual part, send a PUT request at the obtained upload URL. When parts are uploaded, the response contains an ETag header. This value will be required in the completeMultipartUpload mutation.
  5. Run the completeMultipartUpload mutation to assemble the uploaded file parts back into the original file.

For an example, see the Tutorial: Upload a large file.

“Content-Disposition” header

Except for files to which you haven’t uploaded any content yet, all files created through the File Management Service have a download URL. When any browser or HTTP client accesses the URL, the HTTP response is by default without a Content-Disposition Header. This means the browser does not have a clear indication on whether to open the download URL inline (that is, directly in the browser window) or as an attachment. You can optionally set the Content-Disposition header (and thus define explicitly how the browser should treat the download URL) by adding this header to the HTTP PUT request when you upload the file content.

For example, setting the Content-Disposition header as follows:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="start.jpg"

will indicate to the browser (when downloading the file) that the file is a downloadable resource, and also provide a hint that the suggested file name for saving is “start.jpg”.



Retrieve information about a single file, by file ID.


Argument Type Description
ID ID! Mandatory. The ID of the file to be retrieved.


See the File type.


Lists files from the cloud, according to the filter criteria provided as input.


Argument Type Description
filter FilesFilter Optional argument used to filter files.
nextToken String Optional argument used to fetch the next set of query results. This value can be obtained from the nextToken attribute of the FilesResult type.
FilesFilter input
Attribute Type Description
id String Specifies the ID of the file by which to filter. Note that, if both id (this parameter) and ids (the next parameter) are specified, then ids are ignored.
ids [String] Specifies an array of file IDs by which to filter.
active Boolean Optional. True (default) - filter only active files; False - filter deactivated files. This field is currently not in use.


FilesResult type
Attribute Type Description
items File An array of File objects.
nextToken String If null, then the query has reached the end of the list of files that match the query criteria. If not null, then use this value in the nextToken input argument to obtain the next page.
File type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The unique permanent file identifier.
name String The file name.
active Boolean True if the file is active; false if the file is deactivated. This field is currently not in use.
comment String A human readable comment.
author Author Provides information about the author of the last change.
contentType String The file content (MIME) type.
contentLength Float The file size in bytes.
status FileStatus Provides information about the current state of the file.
error Error If status is “error”, this field will contain the corresponding error code and message.
createdAt DateTime The date and time when the file was created.
updatedAt DateTime The date and time when the file was last updated.
externalReference String An identifier used to associate the file with an entity from the caller system.
uploaded Boolean Indicates that there is file content present, perhaps from some previous upload.
public Boolean Indicates that access to the file is public (true) or protected (false).
downloadUrl String Returns the URL from which the file can be downloaded. The optional argument expiresIn of type Int specifies the time period, in seconds, after which the URL will expire (applicable only to protected access).
uploadUrl String Returns an upload URL at which you can replace the content of the file through a PUT HTTP request. The optional argument expiresIn of type Int specifies the time period, in seconds, after which the URL will expire (default is 30 seconds).
attributes Attribute A list of custom attributes defined as name-value pairs. Used to store extra information pertaining to the file.
Author type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The author’s unique permanent identifier.
name String The author’s name.
email String The author’s email.
profile String The author’s profile (for example, “admin”, “user”, “customer”, etc).
FileStatus enum
Value Description
uploading File content is in the process of being uploaded.
downloading File content is in the process of being downloaded from the provided URI.
done The file is ready.
error An error has occurred during upload or transfer.
Error type
Attribute Type Description
code String The error code.
message String The error message.
Attribute type
Attribute Type Description
name String The attribute’s name. Must be unique per file.
value String The attribute’s value.


Lists only files having the externalReference attribute supplied as input.


Argument Type Description
externalReference String! Mandatory. Only files having this externalReference value will be retrieved.
filter FilesWithExternalReferenceFilter Optional argument used to filter the results.
FilesWithExternalReferenceFilter input
Attribute Type Description
status FileStatus If this filter is provided, only files with the respective status will be retrieved.


An array of objects of File type.


Returns the API version.



Creates a file in the cloud. Depending on the input arguments, the file content is either empty or populated from some URI.


Argument Type Description
input CreateFileInput Optional argument used to define the properties of the new file, such as the file name.
CreateFileInput input
Attribute Type Description
name String Optional. Specifies the name of the file as it is in the file system, with an extension, if applicable.
contentType String Optional. Specifies the content (MIME) type of the file. If omitted, this will be retrieved from the file extension. For the list of official MIME types, see
comment String Optional. A human-readable comment.
author AuthorInput Optional. Identifies the author of the file.
externalReference String Optional. Specifies the identifier of the file in the calling system.
fileSourceUri String Optional. Set this parameter if the file should be created from a publicly accessible URI. If this parameter is set, the file will be downloaded from the provided URI. Valid protocols are HTTP and HTTPS.
public Boolean Optional. Set this parameter to make the file public (true) or protected (false). The default value is false.
attributes AttributeInput Optional. A list of custom attributes defined as name-value pairs. Used to store extra information pertaining to the file.
AuthorInput input
Attribute Type Description
id ID Optional. The author’s unique permanent identifier.
name String Optional. The author’s name.
email String Optional. The author’s email.
profile String Optional. The author’s profile (for example, “admin”, “user”, “customer”, etc).
AttributeInput input
Attribute Type Description
name String Mandatory. The attribute’s name. Must be unique per file.
value String Optional. The attribute’s value.


File type

See the File type.


This mutation is useful when uploading large files, through a multipart upload. It completes the multipart upload operation, by assembling the already uploaded file parts back into a file. Run this mutation only after you have run the initiateMultipartUpload and generatePartUploadUrl mutations.


Argument Type Description
input completeMultipartUploadInput! Provides the input to the mutation.
completeMultipartUploadInput input
Attribute Type Description
fileId String! Mandatory. The ID of a file created through the File Management Service.
uploadId String! Mandatory. The ID of the upload obtained as a result of running the initiateMultipartUpload mutation.
etags [PartETag!] Mandatory. An array of PartETag objects.
PartETag input
Attribute Type Description
partNumber Int! Mandatory. The part number of an uploaded file part.
ETag String! Mandatory. The value returned in the ETag HTTP response header after uploading a file part.


File type

See the File type.



Argument Type Description
id String The ID of the file to be deleted.


File type

See the File type.


This mutation is useful when uploading large files, through a multipart upload. It returns an upload URL at which a file part can be uploaded. Run this mutation only after you have run the initiateMultipartUpload and have obtained an upload ID as a result. This mutation must be run as many times as there are file parts.


Argument Type Description
input generatePartUploadUrlInput! Provides the input to the mutation.
generatePartUploadUrlInput input
Attribute Type Description
fileId String! Mandatory. The ID of a file created through the File Management Service.
uploadId String! Mandatory. The ID of the upload obtained as a result of running the initiateMultipartUpload mutation.
partNumber Int! Mandatory. The identifier of the part for which the upload URL is to be generated.
expiresIn Int Optional. Number of seconds after which the upload URL will expire.


The result is a string that contains the generated upload URL.


Initiates a multipart upload of the file. This mutation is the first one in the series of mutations required to upload a large file. It returns an upload identifier that is to be subsequently used in generatePartUploadUrl and completeMultipartUpload mutations.


Argument Type Description
input initiateMultipartUploadInput! Provides the input to the mutation.
initiateMultipartUploadInput input
Attribute Type Description
fileId String The ID of a file created through the File Management Service.


MultipartUpload type
Attribute Type Description
uploadId String The ID of the upload to be used in subsequent mutations.



UpdateFileInput input
Attribute Type Description
id ID The ID of the file to be updated.
name String Optional. Specifies the name of the file as it is in the file system, with an extension, if applicable.
contentType String Optional. Specifies the content (MIME) type of the file. If omitted this will be retrieved from the file extension.
comment String Optional. A human-readable comment.
author AuthorInput Optional. Identifies the author of the file.
externalReference String Optional. Specifies the identifier of the file in the calling system.
fileSourceUri String Optional. Set this parameter if the file should be created from a publicly accessible URI. If this parameter is set, the file will be downloaded from the provided URI. Valid protocols are HTTP and HTTPS.
public Boolean Optional. Set this parameter to make the file public (true) or protected (false). The default value is false.
attributes AttributeInput Optional. A list of custom attributes defined as name-value pairs. Used to store extra information pertaining to the file.


File type

See the File type.