VAT Validator Service

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Required access keys Tenant-level service access key, Application-level service access key
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Notes To call the service, the access key must be provided in the x-api-key header of the HTTP request. If you are using the GraphQL console, you can view the service’s documentation and schema only after entering an access key. Make sure that the scope of the key allows access to the queries and mutations that you require. For example, to grant the key access to all queries and mutations, the keys’s scope must be set to vat-validator-api.:query:* vat-validator-api.:mutation:*.


The VAT Validator Service enables calling applications to perform the following actions:

  • View the status of a Romanian VAT registration number on a specific date. You can perform the call for a single VAT number or for a batch of VAT numbers (the maximum number is 500).
  • View the status of a VAT registration number in the international VAT Information Exchange System (VIES). You can perform this call for a single VAT number.
  • Check the validity of a Romanian Personal Numeric Code (in Romanian, CNP). You can perform the call for a single CNP or for a batch.
  • View the balance sheet of a Romanian organization for a given year, by supplying the year and the organization’s VAT number as input.




Argument Type Description
input BalanceSheetInput! Mandatory. Provides the query’s input, as BalanceSheetInput object.
BalanceSheetInput input
Attribute Type Description
vatNo Int! Mandatory. The VAT number of the organization to be checked.
year Int! Mandatory. The calendar year for which the check is made.


BalanceSheetInfo type
Attribute Type Description
vatNo Int The organization’s VAT number.
year Int The year for which the query was made.
company String The organization’s name.
caen Int The main CAEN (in Romanian: Clasificarea Activităților din Economia Națională) code identifying the area of activity of the organization.
caenDescription String The description of the CAEN code.
indicators [BalanceSheetIndicator] The list of indicators pertaining to the balance sheet, as an array of BalanceSheetIndicator objects.
BalanceSheetIndicator type
Attribute Type Description
code String The indicator’s code.
value Int The indicator’s value.
description String The indicator’s description.



Attribute Type Description
input String! Mandatory. The Romanian 13-digit Personal Numeric Code (CNP) whose validity must be checked.


CNPInfo type
Attribute Type Description
cnp String The Romanian 13-digit Personal Numeric Code (CNP).
valid Boolean This value is true if the CNP is valid, false otherwise.



Attribute Type Description
input [String!]! Mandatory. Must be an array of Romanian 13-digit Personal Numeric Codes (CNP) whose validity must be checked.


The result is an array of CNPInfo objects.



Argument Type Description
input VATInput! Mandatory. Provides the query’s input, as VATInput object.
VATInput input
Attribute Type Description
vatNo Int! Mandatory. The Romanian VAT number of the organization to be checked.
date Date! Mandatory. The date for which the check is made, in YYYY-MM-DD format.


VATInfo type
Attribute Type Description
vatNo Int The organization’s VAT number.
date Date The date for which the query was made.
company String The organization’s name.
address String The organization’s address as one line.
vatStatus Boolean Indicates whether the organization is subject to VAT on the query date. Valid values: true - the organization is subject to VAT, false - the organization is not subject to VAT on the query date.
startDate Date The date in the past when the organization was registered for VAT purposes.
endDate Date The date when the organization ceased to be subject to VAT.
voidRequestDate Date The date when the organization’s VAT de-registration was operated.
message String A message associated with the VAT tax payer status, provided by ANAF.
delayedVatStartDate Date The date starting with which the deferred VAT payer status is applicable.
delayedVatEndDate Date The date up to which the deferred VAT payer status is applicable.
delayedVatUpdateDate Date
delayedVatPublishDate Date
delayedVatUpdateType String
delayedVatStatus Boolean Indicates if the organization is a deferred VAT payer.
deactivationDate Date The date when the organization was deactivated, if applicable.
reactivationDate Date The date when the organization was reactivated, if applicable.
publishDate Date
erasureDate Date The date when the organization was dissolved.
isInactive Boolean Indicates whether the organization is active on the query date. Valid values: true - inactive, false - active.
splitVatStartDate Date The date from which split VAT applies.
splitVatEndDate Date The date up to which split VAT applies.
splitVatStatus Boolean Indicates if the organization applies split VAT payments on the query date.
splitVatIban String The IBAN associated with split VAT payments.
phone String The organization’s contact phone.
fax String The organization’s fax number.
zipCode String The organization’s postal code.
nrRegCom String Specifies the organization’s registration number issued by the National Trade Registration Office (in Romanian, ONRC - Oficiul National al Registrului Comerțului).
statusRO_e_Factura Boolean A true value indicates that the organization is present in the Romanian e-Factura registry on the query date.
competentFiscalAuthority String The name of the national fiscal authority.
ownershipStructure String Provides information about the company’s ownership structure.
legalPersonhood String Identifies if the entity is a physical person or a legal person.
legalEntityType String Identifies the organization’s legal entity type, for example, “Societate comercială cu răspundere limitată” for a private limited liability company.
authorizationAct String The organization’s authorization act.
registrationStatus String The organization’s registration status.
registrationDate String The organization’s registration date.
caenCode String The organization’s CAEN (Classification of Activities within National Economy) code.
registeredOfficeAddress Address The address where the main office of the organization is registered, as Address type.
taxResidenceAddress Address The tax residence address, as Address type.
Address type
Attribute Type Description
streetName String The street name.
number String The street number.
cityName String The city name.
cityCode String The numeric code of the city, in ANAF’s nomenclature.
countyName String The county name.
countyCode String The numeric code of the county, in ANAF’s nomenclature.
carCountyCode String The alpha county code. For example, BV for Brașov county.
addressDetails String Any additional address details that don’t fit elsewhere.
building String The building identifier, if applicable.
postalCode String The postal code.
country CountryCode Enum value that identifies the ISO 3166-2 two-letter country code.



Argument Type Description
input [VATInput!]! Mandatory. Provides the query’s input, as an array of VATInput objects.


The result is an array of VATInfo objects.



Argument Type Description
input [VIESInput!]! Mandatory. Provides the query’s input, as VIESInput object.
VIESInput input
Attribute Type Description
vatNumber String! Mandatory. The VAT number of the organization to be checked.
countryCode CountryCode! Mandatory. The 2-character country code. Valid values: AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, EL, ES, FI, FR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, XI


VIESInfo type
Attribute Type Description
vatNumber String The organization’s VAT number.
countryCode CountryCode The 2-letter country code.
valid Boolean Indicates whether the organization is a valid VAT payer.
name String The organization’s name.
address String The organization’s address as one line.
requestDate Date The date when the VIES request took place.


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