Sign in to the SBS Portal

Before signing in to the SBS Portal, note the following prerequisites:

  1. You must have either a Google or Microsoft email account. The email address itself may be a business email account that has a custom domain other than the default one provided by Google or Microsoft.
  2. Someone in your organization (for example, your manager or supervisor) must grant you access to the SBS Portal.

You can sign in to the portal at, by clicking either Sign in with Google or Sign in with Microsoft, as applicable.

SBS Portal Sign in

After signing in to the portal, you may be presented with the message: “No account membership has been granted to you. Please contact the account administrator.”

If you see this message, make sure that your manager or supervisor has granted you access to the SBS Portal. Once this happens, refresh the page or sign in again if applicable. You should now be able to select the account(s), the application(s), and the tenant(s) to which you have been granted access, see Switching accounts.

If you are a manager or supervisor entitled to administer portal user accounts for your organization, see Portal Users for instructions about adding portal users and setting their permissions.