RO Tax Declarations Service

Access info

Required access keys Tenant-level service access key
Pricing Please contact us for details at
Notes To call the service, the access key must be provided in the x-api-key header of the HTTP request. If you are using the GraphQL console, you can view the service’s documentation and schema only after entering an access key. Make sure that the scope of the key allows access to the queries and mutations that you require. For example, to grant the key access to all queries and mutations, the keys’s scope must be set to tax-declarations-api:query:* tax-declarations-api:mutation:*.


The RO Tax Declarations service enables calling applications to generate the SAF-T XML file (Standard Audit File for Tax) required for mandatory tax reporting to Romanian National Agency of Fiscal Administration (ANAF).


SAF-T Schema

The ANAF has published (and periodically updates) an Excel sheet which contains information about the structure of the SAF-T file, field validation rules and format, as well as valid codes required for specific field types. The file is called “Schema Fișierul Standard de Control (Standard Audit File – SAF-T)” and will be subsequently referred to as the SAF-T Schema in this documentation.

To locate the SAF-T schema on ANAF website (, navigate to Despre ANAF > Strategii ANAF > Proiecte de digitalizare > SAF-T and look for the most recently published version of the “schema xls” file.

Generating a declaration

To generate a declaration:

  1. Obtain from your ERP system the input CSV files to be used as input to the tax declaration. For the structure of each file, see Appendix A: Input CSV Files.
  2. Create a representative through a call to the createRepresentative mutation.
  3. Initiate a declaration through a call to the initiateDeclaration mutation. As a result, a new declaration object is created, and the response contains the unique declaration ID. You will need to work with this declaration ID in subsequent steps to further process the declaration and monitor its status.
  4. Add all the input CSV files to the declaration. See Preparing declaration files.
  5. Run the generateDeclaration mutation. This triggers a computation that takes place from several minutes to several hours, depending on the size of input CSV files. In either case, the outcome, including any possible errors, is reported in the returned Process object. If the computation was successful, the response includes a download URL at which you can download the generated XML file.

Preparing declaration files

After you have initiated the declaration, you can add all the CSV input files to it.

For each input CSV file, the steps are as follows:

  • Run the prepareFile mutation. In the response, you get the file’s upload URL at which you can upload the actual file.
  • In the programming language of your API, make an HTTP PUT request to upload the file content to the upload URL. This step is similar to how you would create a file and then upload its content in the File Management Service, as described in the Tutorial: Create a file.

Note that you can add multiple files of the same type for the same declaration. For example, you can add several input CSV files of type “Invoices”. If multiple files of the same type exist, SBS will aggregate and compute data found in all respective files.

After adding all the CSV files, you can check if they are indeed attached to the declaration by running the declarations query, for example:

query declarations ($filter:DeclarationsFilter!, $processFilter:ProcessesFilterInput) {
  declarations(filter:$filter) {
    organization { id, name, tin }
    representative { id, firstName, lastName, phone, email }
    files { id, fileType, name, createdAt }
  "filter": {
    "organizationId": "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID"

If your declaration looks good so far, you can proceed to running the generateDeclaration mutation, for example:

mutation generateDeclaration($declarationId:ID!) {
  generateDeclaration(declarationId:$declarationId) {
    "declarationId": "YOUR_DECLARATION_ID"

Dealing with large input files

As mentioned above, when you add a file to the declaration, there are two steps involved:

  1. Run prepareFile and obtain the upload URL.
  2. In the programming language of your API, make an HTTP PUT request to upload the file content to the upload URL.

For the second step, note, however, that the maximum file size that you can send in a single PUT request is 5 GB. Should you need to add larger files to the declaration, you can do so through the multipart upload mutations provided by the File Management Service. In this scenario, the process looks as follows:

  1. Run prepareFile and take notice the returned in the response body. This ID corresponds to a file id of a file in File Management Service.
  2. Provide the id above as input to the initiateMultipartUpload mutation and continue with the rest of steps required for multipart upload, as described in Uploading large files.


Each time when you run generateDeclaration, a new process with status NEW is attached to the declaration. You can view the declaration and the status of all its processes by running the declarations query and requesting the processes field in the response, for example:

query declarations ($filter:DeclarationsFilter!) {
  declarations(filter:$filter) {
      result {
  "filter": {
    "organizationId": "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ID"

The status of any process is initially NEW. The status NEW will normally change to INPROCESS after approximately 1 minute. Note that, if you run generateDeclaration multiple times for the same declaration, each run will start a new process for the same declaration. In this case, you will need to track the status of each process separately. The processes field of the declarations query provides a filter (by process ID) for that purpose.

The INPROCESS status of a process may take from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the size of the input CSV files. After the INPROCESS status, the status may change to either ERROR (if errors are encountered) or DONE (upon successful processing).

If the status ERROR is encountered, check the errorMessages response field of the respective process for details.

If the process completes with status DONE, it generates a result XML file whose download URL is available in the result response field of the respective process. Also, the totals counters of the declaration object are now populated with data as computed from the input CSV files.

If necessary, you may stop a running process through a call to killProcess. However, this is possible only if the process has not generated any results (that is, if the result field of the process is empty).

You may also delete a process through the deleteProcess mutation. Deleting a running process is possible only if the process has generated no result yet.

Deleting declarations

You can delete declarations through a call to deleteDeclaration. Note, however, that it is not possible to delete a declaration if it has at least one running process that has already generated some result file. To delete such a declaration, you will need to wait for the process to finish first.


Validation of data provided as input to the RO Tax Declarations service takes place at two levels:

  1. A first validation takes place after you submit the generateTaxDeclaration mutation. This validation is performed by the SBS API. Any errors encountered at this stage are reported in the errorMessages attribute of the returned Process object.
  2. A second level of validation is provided by the the DUK Integrator tool available for download from the ANAF website ( The same tool is used to generate the PDF (including the signed XML SAF-T file) that is to be submitted to ANAF. To download the tool, navigate to Despre ANAF > Strategii ANAF > Proiecte de digitalizare > SAF-T and look for the latest available version of the validator.



Lists the declarations defined for the given tenant. The results of their computation processes can be found in the corresponding declaration process list.


Argument Type Description
filter DeclarationsFilter! Mandatory. Provides the filter criteria, as a DeclarationsFilter input.
DeclarationsFilter input
Attribute Type Description
organizationId ID The ID of the organization from the Organizations Service.
id ID The ID of the tax declaration record.


Declaration type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The unique identifier of the tax declaration.
organization Organization The organization’s details, expressed as an Organization type from the Organizations Service.
representative Representative The representative’s details, expressed as a Representative type.
headerComment HeaderComment Specifies the reporting period covered by the declaration. L - for monthly returns, T - for quarterly returns, A - for annual returns, C - for returns on request, NL - non-residents monthly, NT - non-residents quarterly.
declarationType DeclarationType Specifies the type of the declaration. Currently, the only valid type is D406 (Standard Audit File for Tax).
from Date The start date of the reporting period.
to Date The end date of the reporting period.
regionCode RegionCode The county identifier, for example, BV for Brașov. For the list of valid values, see List of county codes.
files [File] The list of files associated with the current declaration. See the File type.
processes(filter) [Process] The list of processes associated with the current declaration. You can optionally filter processes by supplying a ProcessesFilterInput object as input argument. For the structure of a process, see the Process type.
createdAt DateTime The date and time when the declaration was created.
Representative type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The unique identifier of the representative.
firstName String The representative’s first name.
lastName String The representative’s last name.
phone String The representative’s phone.
email EmailAddress The representative’s email address.
File type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The unique identifier of the file. You an use this ID to refer to the file also through the File Management Service.
declarationId ID The unique identifier of the tax declaration.
fileType CsvFileType The type of data reported by the file. Valid values: GeneralLedgerAccounts, BusinessPartners, Assets, PhysicalStock, GeneralLedgerEntries, Invoices, Payments, MovementOfGoods, AssetTransactions.
name String The file name.
contentLength Float The file size in bytes.
uploadUrl(expiresIn) Uri The URL at which the file content can be uploaded. Note that the upload URL expires after the number of seconds supplied in the expiresIn parameter.
downloadUrl(expiresIn) Uri The URL at which the file content can be downloaded. Note that the download URL expires after the number of seconds supplied in the expiresIn parameter.
createdAt DateTime The date and time when the file was created.
ProcessesFilter input
Attribute Type Description
id ID The ID of the process that you would like to filter by.
Process type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The unique identifier of the file.
status DeclarationStatus The status of the declaration. Valid values: NEW - computation has not started yet, INPROCESS - computation is in progress, DONE - computation has completed without errors, ERROR - computation has completed with errors.
errorMessages [String] The list of error messages, if applicable.
result [ResultFile] The list of files created by the process, as ResultFile type.
totals Totals The totals computed by this process, as Totals type.
header Header Provides general information about the underlying file (the same one as in the header of the XML file), as a Header object.
createdAt DateTime The date and time when the process was created.
ResultFile type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The ID of the file.
name String The file name.
contentLength Float The file size in bytes.
createdAt DateTime The date and time when the file was created.
downloadUrl(expiresIn) Uri The URL at which the file can be downloaded. Note that the download URL expires after the number of seconds supplied in the expiresIn parameter.
Totals type
Attribute Type Description
csvLines CsvFileLines The number of lines in each of the CSV files, as a CsvFileLines type.
csvBusinessPartnerAccountTotals [AccountTotal] The totals of business partners general ledger accounts, as a list of AccountTotal objects.
csvGeneralLedgerAccountsMonthTotals DebitCreditOpenClose The totals of the general ledger accounts for the month, as a DebitCreditOpenClose object.
csvGeneralLedgerEntriesMonthTotals DebitCredit The totals of the general ledger entries for the month, as a DebitCredit object.
csvInvoiceTotals CsvInvoiceTotals The totals applicable to reported invoices, as as CsvInvoiceTotals object.
csvPaymentTotals CsvPaymentTotals The totals applicable to reported payments, as as CsvPaymentTotals object.
masterFilesTotals MasterFilesTotals The totals applicable to the MasterFiles section of the SAF-T file, as a MasterFilesTotals object.
generalLedgerEntriesTotals GeneralLedgerEntriesTotals The totals applicable to the GeneralLedgerEntries section of the SAF-T file, as a GeneralLedgerEntriesTotals object.
sourceDocuments SourceDocuments The totals applicable to the SourceDocuments section of the SAF-T file, as a SourceDocuments object.
CsvFileLines type
Attribute Type Description
generalLedgerAccounts Int Reports the number of lines in GeneralLedgerAccounts.csv.
businessPartners Int Reports the number of lines in BusinessPartners.csv.
assets Int Reports the number of lines in Assets.csv.
physicalStock Int Reports the number of lines in PhysicalStock.csv.
generalLedgerEntries Int Reports the number of lines in GeneralLedgerEntries.csv.
invoices Int Reports the number of lines in Invoices.csv.
payments Int Reports the number of lines in Payments.csv.
movementOfGoods Int Reports the number of lines in MovementOfGoods.csv.
assetTransactions Int Reports the number of lines in AssetTransactions.csv.
allFileLines Int Reports the total number of lines in all files.
AccountTotal type
Attribute Type Description
accountID Int The general ledger account code.
debitCredit DebitCreditOpenClose The opening and/or closing credit/debit values, as a DebitCreditOpenClose type.
DebitCreditOpenClose type
Attribute Type Description
totalDebitOpen Float The debit balance at the start date of the selection period.
totalCreditOpen Float The credit balance at the start date of the selection period.
totalDebitClose Float The debit balance at the end date of the selection period.
totalCreditClose Float The credit balance at the end date of the selection period.
DebitCredit type
Attribute Type Description
totalDebit Float The debit balance for the reported period.
totalCredit Float The credit balance for the reported period.
CsvInvoiceTotals type
Attribute Type Description
allInvoices Int The total number of invoices.
customerInvoices Int The total number of customer invoices.
supplierInvoices Int The total number of supplier invoices.
customerInvoicesTotal Float The total amount of all customer invoices.
supplierInvoicesTotal Float The total amount of all supplier invoices.
customerInvoicesCurrencyTotal [CurrencyAmount] The total amount of all customer invoices reported in another currency, as a CurrencyAmount object.
supplierInvoicesCurrencyTotal [CurrencyAmount] The total amount of all supplier invoices reported in another currency, as a CurrencyAmount object.
CsvPaymentTotals type
Attribute Type Description
allPayments Int The total number of payments.
debitPayments Int The total number of debit payments.
creditPayments Int The total number of credit payments.
debitTotal Float The total amount of all debit payments.
creditTotal Float The total amount of all credit payments.
debitCurrencyTotal [CurrencyAmount] The total amount of all debit payments reported in another currency, as a CurrencyAmount object.
creditCurrencyTotal [CurrencyAmount] The total amount of all credit payments reported in another currency, as a CurrencyAmount object.
CurrencyAmount type
Attribute Type Description
currency String The currency code.
amount Float The amount in the respective currency.
MasterFilesTotals type
Attribute Type Description
generalLedgerAccountsTotals GeneralLedgerAccountsTotals The totals of all reported general ledger accounts, as a GeneralLedgerAccountsTotals object.
customersTotals BusinessPartnersTotals The totals pertaining to all reported customers, as a BusinessPartnersTotals object.
suppliersTotals BusinessPartnersTotals The totals pertaining to all reported suppliers, as a BusinessPartnersTotals object.
customers Int The total number of customers.
suppliers Int The total number of suppliers.
businessPartners Int The total number of business partners (customers and suppliers).
GeneralLedgerAccountsTotals type
Attribute Type Description
debitCredit DebitCreditOpenClose The computed total debits and credits, as a DebitCreditOpenClose object.
BusinessPartnersTotals type
Attribute Type Description
accountTotals [AccountTotal] A list of AccountTotal objects.
GeneralLedgerEntriesTotals type
Attribute Type Description
numberOfEntries Int The total number (count) of general ledger entries.
debitCredit DebitCredit The computed debits and credits, as a DebitCredit object.
SourceDocuments type
Attribute Type Description
salesInvoices InvoicesTotals The totals applicable to sales invoices, as an InvoicesTotals object.
purchaseInvoices InvoicesTotals The totals applicable to purchase invoices, as an InvoicesTotals object.
paymentsTotals PaymentsTotals The totals applicable to payments, as a PaymentsTotals object.
InvoicesTotals type
Attribute Type Description
numberOfEntries Int The total number (count) of invoices.
debitCredit DebitCredit The computed debits and credits, as a DebitCredit object.
PaymentsTotals type
Attribute Type Description
numberDebits Int Total number of debit entries.
numberCredits Int Total number of credit entries.
valueDebits Float The total amount of debits.
valueCredits Float The total amount of credits.
Header type
Attribute Type Description
auditFileVersion String Identifies the version of the SAF-T file.
auditFileCountry CountryCode The two-letter country code, according to ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard. For example, RO for Romania.
auditFileRegion String The region within the tax authority, according to ISO 3166-1A2 - RO Dept Codes. For example, RO-AB for Alba county.
auditFileDateCreated Date The date when the SAF-T file was created.
softwareCompanyName String The name of the software company whose product created the SAF-T file.
softwareID String The name of the software that generated the SAF-T file.
softwareVersion String The version of the software that created the SAF-T file.
company CompanyHeaderStructure The details about the reporting company, as a CompanyHeaderStructure object.
defaultCurrencyCode String The three-letter currency code (ISO 4217) of the local default currency.
selectionCriteria SelectionCriteriaStructure The criteria set by the user to populate the SAF-T file, as a SelectionCriteriaStructure object.
headerComment String Indicates the type of return submitted. This can be: monthly return, quarterly return, annual return or on-demand return.
totalSegmentsInSequence Float The total number of segments in the sequence.
taxAccountingBasis String Possible values: A - for Accounting for general commercial companies which apply double-entry bookkeeping and the general business chart of accounts, I - for Invoice Accounting (non-residents/taxpayers who have the obligation to submit the special value added tax return), IFRS - for general commercial companies that apply double-entry taxability at the same time as the provisions of OMFP 2844/2016 (IFRS chart of accounts), BANK - for credit institutions and non-bank financial institutions that apply apply double-entry bookkeeping and chart of accounts for banks and financial-monetary institutions, INSURANCE - for insurance companies applying applies double entry taxation and chart of accounts for insurance companies, NORMA39 - for the leasing and financial companies which use the IFRS account plan according the Reg no. 39/2015 of the Authority for Financial Supervision (ASF), IFN - for non-bank financial institutions in Romania, that use the account plan according to the BNR Regulation no. 17/2015, NORMA36 - for insurance and/or reinsurance brokerage companies which use the account plan according to the regulation no. 36/2015 of the Authority for Financial Supervision (ASF), NORMA14 - for private pension companies which use the account plan according to the regulation no. 14/2015 of the Authority for Financial Supervision (ASF).
taxEntity String The reference to the company/division/branch.
CompanyHeaderStructure type
Attribute Type Description
registrationNumber String The company’s registration number.
name String The company name.
address [Address] The company address details, as a list of Address objects.
contact [ContactHeaderStructure] The company’s contact details, as a list of ContactHeaderStructure objects.
taxRegistration TaxIDStructure The company’s tax registration details, as a TaxIdStructure object.
bankAccount [BankAccount] The company’s bank account details, as a list of BankAccount objects.
Address type
Attribute Type Description
streetName String The street name.
number String The street number.
additionalAddressDetails String Any additional address details.
building String The building.
city String The city.
postalCode String The postal/zip code.
region String The region/county.
country CountryCode The country.
addressType String Type of address.
ContactHeaderStructure type
Attribute Type Description
contactPerson PersonNameStructure The details of the contact person, as a PersonNameStructure object.
telephone String The contact phone.
fax String The fax.
email EmailAddress The email of the contact person.
website Uri The website associated with the contact person.
PersonNameStructure type
Attribute Type Description
title String The person’s title.
firstName String The person’s first name.
initials String The person’s initials.
lastNamePrefix String The person’s last name prefix.
lastName String The last name of the person.
birthName String The birth name.
salutation String The salutation (for example, “Mrs”).
otherTitles String Any other titles applicable to the person.
TaxIdStructure type
Attribute Type Description
taxRegistrationNumber String The tax registration number.
taxType String The tax type.
taxNumber String The tax number.
taxAuthority String The tax authority.
taxVerificationDate String The tax verification date.
BankAccount type
Attribute Type Description
ibanNumber String The International Banking Account Number.
bankAccountNumber String The bank account number.
bankAccountName String The name associated with this bank account.
sortCode String The bank’s sort code.
SelectionCriteriaStructure type
Attribute Type Description
taxReportingJurisdiction String The reported tax reporting jurisdiction.
companyEntity String The reported company entity.
selectionStartDate Date The start date of the reporting period.
selectionEndDate Date The end date of the reporting period.
periodStart Float The first accounting period covered by SAF-T.
periodStartYear Float The accounting period in which periodStart falls.
periodEnd Float The last accounting period covered by SAF-T.
periodEndYear Float The accounting period in which periodEnd falls.
documentType String Type of documents selected.
otherCriteria String Any other criteria used in selecting data.


Returns a list of active organizations defined for the given tenant.


The result is an array of Organization.

Organization type
Attribute Type Description
id ID! Specifies the organization’s unique identifier.
validFrom Date Specifies the date when the organization was registered, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
name String Specifies the organization’s name.
tin String Specifies the organization’s tax identification number (TIN) (in Romanian, CIF - cod de identificare fiscală) issued by ANAF (in Romanian, ANAF - Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală).
regNo String Specifies the organization’s registration number issued by the National Trade Registration Office (in Romanian, ONRC - Oficiul National al Registrului Comerțului).
caenNo String Specifies the organization’s number registered in the CAEN nomenclature (in Romanian, CAEN - Clasificarea activităților din economia națională).
taxType String Identifies the type of tax regime to which this entry applies. Valid values originate in the nomenclature Nomenclator_Regim_fiscal and are as follows: 100010 - Taxable person registered for VAT purposes, 100020 - Taxable person applying the special exemption scheme for small enterprises, 100030 - Taxable person who has the VAT code canceled ex officio, based on Law 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code, art. 316 para. (11), 100040 - Taxable person registered for VAT purposes, who applies the VAT system on collection, 100050 - Non-taxable person.
country CountryCode Enum value that identifies the ISO 3166-2 two-letter country code.
region String Identifies the regions/counties/provinces within the tax authority. Preferably described according to ISO 3166-1A2 - RO Dept Codes. Example: RO-AB for Alba county in Romania.
streetAddress Address Specifies the organization’s street address.
postalAddress Address Specifies the organization’s postal address.
billingAddress Address Specifies the organization’s billing address.
shipToAddress Address Specifies the organization’s “ship to” address.
shipFromAddress Address Specifies the organization’s “ship from” address.
email EmailAddress Specifies the organization’s email.
phone String Specifies the organization’s phone number.
bankAccounts [BankAccount] The list of organization’s bank accounts.
taxAccountingBasis TaxAccountingBasis Valid values: A - for Accounting for general commercial companies which apply double-entry bookkeeping and the general business chart of accounts, I - for Invoice Accounting (Non-Residents), IFRS - for general commercial companies that apply double-entry taxability at the same time as the provisions of OMFP 2844/2016 (IFRS chart of accounts), BANK - for credit institutions and non-bank financial institutions that apply apply double-entry bookkeeping and chart of accounts for banks and financial-monetary institutions, INSURANCE - for insurance companies applying applies double entry taxation and chart of accounts for insurance companies, NORMA39 - for the leasing and financial companies which use the IFRS account plan according the Reg no. 39/2015 of the Authority for Financial Supervision (ASF), IFN - for non-bank financial institutions in Romania, that use the account plan according to the BNR Regulation no. 17/2015, NORMA36 - for insurance and/or reinsurance brokerage companies which use the account plan according to the regulation no. 36/2015 of the Authority for Financial Supervision (ASF), NORMA14 - for private pension companies which use the account plan according to the regulation no. 14/2015 of the Authority for Financial Supervision (ASF), ONG - for companies without patrimonial purpose (non-government organizations) according to the OMFP no. 3103/2017.
createdAt DateTime The date and time when the organization record was created in SBS.
active Boolean A Boolean flag that marks organization as not active if set to false. Inactive organizations do not appear in the graphical user interface of the SBS Portal. This flag may also be used for other purposes in your application. Note that it does not affect processing organizations in SBS as such (for example, it is still possible to generate a tax declaration even if the organization is not active).
Address type
Attribute Type Description
streetName String The street name.
number String The street number.
additionalAddressDetails String Any additional address details that don’t fit elsewhere.
building String The building identifier, if applicable.
city String The city.
postalCode String The postal code.
region String The region/county/province.
country CountryCode Enum value that identifies the ISO 3166-2 two-letter country code.
BankAccount type
Attribute Type Description
ibanNumber String The international bank account number (IBAN).
bankAccountNumber String The bank account number.
bankAccountNu String The bank account name.
sortCode String The bank sorting code.


Returns a list of representatives created for the given tenant.




See the Representative type.


Returns the API version.



Creates a record identifying the person that submits the tax declaration. Once a representative is created, it can be referenced multiple times by different declarations.


Attribute Type Description
input CreateRepresentativeInput! Provides the input to the mutation, as CreateRepresentativeInput object.
CreateRepresentativeInput input
Attribute Type Description
firstName String! Mandatory. The first name of the representative.
lastName String! Mandatory. The last name of the representative.
phone String! Mandatory. The phone number of the representative.
email EmailAddress Optional. The representative’s email address.


Representative type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The unique identifier of the representative.
firstName String The first name of the representative.
lastName String The last name of the representative.
phone String The phone number of the representative.
email EmailAddress The representative’s email address.


Deletes a declaration, including all its input files and related processes.


Attribute Type Description
id ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the declaration to be deleted.


See the Declaration type.


Deletes a previously uploaded CSV file.


Attribute Type Description
input DeleteFileInput Mandatory. Supplies the input to the mutation, as DeleteFileInput object.
DeleteFileInput input
Attribute Type Description
declarationId ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the declaration.
id ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the CSV file to be deleted.


See the File type.


Deletes a declaration computation process and the result XML files.


Attribute Type Description
declarationId ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the declaration.
processId ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the process to be deleted.


See the Process type.


Deletes a previously created representative.


Attribute Type Description
id ID! The identifier of the representative to be deleted.


See the Representative type.


Starts a declaration computation process.


Attribute Type Description
declarationId ID! The ID of the declaration created previously through the initiateDeclaration mutation.


See the Process type.


Creates a new tax declaration, without triggering any computation processes. After this mutation, run prepareFile for each CSV file that must be supplied as input to the declaration and obtain the file’s upload URL. After uploading the CSV files, run generateDeclaration mutation to trigger the computation process.


Attribute Type Description
input InitiateDeclarationInput Provides the input to the mutation, as InitiateDeclarationInput object.
InitiateDeclarationInput input
Attribute Type Description
declarationType DeclarationType! Mandatory. Identifies the type of tax declaration that is to be computed. Currently, only value D406 is supported.
from Date! Mandatory. The start date of the reporting period covered by the tax declaration.
to Date! Mandatory. The end date of the reporting period covered by the tax declaration.
organizationId ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the organization defined through the Organizations service.
representativeId ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the representative previously created through the createRepresentative mutation.
regionCode RegionCode! Mandatory. The county identifier, for example, BV for Brașov. For the list of valid values, see List of county codes.
headerComment HeaderComment! Mandatory. Specifies the reporting period covered by the declaration. L - for monthly returns, T - for quarterly returns, A - for annual returns, C - for returns on request, NL - non-residents monthly, NT - non-residents quarterly.
softwareCompanyName String Optional. If provided, this value populates the <nsSAFT:SoftwareCompanyName> field in the header of the generated XML declaration. Otherwise, the default value is BIT Software SA.
softwareID String Optional. If provided, this value populates the <nsSAFT:SoftwareID> field in the header of the generated XML declaration. Otherwise, the default value is Socrate Business Services.
softwareVersion String Optional. If provided, this value populates the <nsSAFT:SoftwareVersion> field in the header of the generated XML declaration. Otherwise, the default value is the current version of the Tax Declarations Service.


See the Declaration type.


Stops a declaration computation process if it is running.


Attribute Type Description
declarationId ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the declaration.
processId ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the process to be stopped.


See the Process type.


Generates a URL at which you can upload a CSV file to be used as input to the tax declaration. Run this mutation for each CSV file that is to be supplied as input for a declaration.


Attribute Type Description
input PrepareFileInput Mandatory. Supplies the input to the mutation, as PrepareFileInput object.
PrepareFileInput input
Attribute Type Description
declarationId ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the declaration.
fileType CsvFileType! Mandatory. This is an enumeration that identifies the type of the CSV file. Valid values: GeneralLedgerAccounts, BusinessPartners, Assets, PhysicalStock, GeneralLedgerEntries, Invoices, Payments, MovementOfGoods, AssetTransactions.
name String Optional. Supplies the name of the CSV file.


See the File type.


Update certain declaration parameters.


Attribute Type Description
id ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the declaration to be updated.
input UpdateDeclarationInput Provides the input to the mutation, as UpdateDeclarationInput object.
UpdateDeclarationInput input
Attribute Type Description
from Date! Mandatory. The start date of the reporting period covered by the tax declaration.
to Date! Mandatory. The end date of the reporting period covered by the tax declaration.
representativeId ID! Mandatory. The identifier of the representative previously created through the createRepresentative mutation.
regionCode RegionCode! Mandatory. The county identifier, for example, BV for Brașov. For the list of valid values, see List of county codes.
headerComment HeaderComment! Mandatory. Specifies the reporting period covered by the declaration. L - for monthly returns, T - for quarterly returns, A - for annual returns, C - for returns on request, NL - non-residents monthly, NT - non-residents quarterly.


See the Declaration type.


Updates a previously created representative.


Attribute Type Description
id ID! The identifier of the representative to be updated.
input UpdateRepresentativeInput! Provides the input to the mutation, as UpdateRepresentativeInput object.
UpdateRepresentativeInput input
Attribute Type Description
firstName String Optional. The first name of the representative.
lastName String Optional. The last name of the representative.
phone String Optional. The phone number of the representative.
email EmailAddress Optional. The representative’s email address.


See the Representative type.

Appendix: Input CSV files

When preparing the CSV files to be used as input to the Tax Declarations service, keep in mind the following:

  • Each CSV file is comma-separated;
  • The first row in the CSV file should provide the column names (that is, the CSV file must include the header);
  • The fields described in the tables below are validated by ANAF according to the type described in the “Format” column. For details about each type, refer to the SAF-T Schema. More specifically, for simple types, you can find the validation rules in the “Simple Types” sheet. For the list of valid codes of various fields, consult the “Centralizator nomenclatoare” sheet.


Column Format Mandatory? Description
PartnerType Char Yes This includes partner companies and physical persons (customers or suppliers) for which there is balance or turnover during the reporting period. Valid values: C - Customer, S - Supplier.
Id Yes The unique identifier of the company in the ERP system.
Name Yes The name of the company.
IsIndividual Yes If the customer or supplier is a physical person, this value must be 1.
TaxRegistrationNumber SAFmiddle1textType Yes The unique company’s Tax Registration Number as assigned by ANAF.
StreetName SAFmiddle2textType No The company’s address line 1. Typically, this is the street name and postal code. May also include the house number.
AdditionalAddressDetail SAFmiddle2textType No The company’s address line 2.
City SAFmiddle1textType Yes The city name.
PostalCode SAFshorttextType No The postal code.
Region SAFmiddle1textType Yes Identifies the district/county code. For example, IF - Ilfov.
Country ISOCountryCode Yes ISO 3166-2 country code. For example, RO - Romania.
AccountID SAFmiddle2textType Yes The general ledger code (analytic account) used by the reporting company according to their chart of accounts, based on the standard defined by the Romanian authorities. This value is validated against codes present in the following nomenclatures (sheets) of the SAF-T Schema: PlanConturiBalSocCom, PlanConturiIFRS, PlanConturiIFRS_Norma39, PlanConturiBanci, PlanConturiNebancare, PlanConturiSocAsigurari, PlanConturi_Norma36.
OpeningDebitBalance SAFmonetaryType Yes Debit balance at the start date of the selection period in the header’s default currency. The total of the debit amounts may be positive or negative. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign. If the account is created with a debit, use OpeningDebitBalance and do not report OpeningCreditBalance - meaning the element will not be present in the XML file.
OpeningCreditBalance SAFmonetaryType Yes Credit balance at the start date of the selection period in the header’s default currency. The total of the credit amounts may be positive or negative. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign. If the account is created with a credit, use OpeningCreditBalance and do not report OpeningDebitBalance - meaning the element will not be present in the XML file.
ClosingDebitBalance SAFmonetaryType Yes Debit balance at the end date of the selection period in the header’s default currency. The total of the debit amounts may be positive or negative. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign. If the account is created with a debit, use ClosingDebitBalance and do not report ClosingCreditBalance - meaning the element will not be present in the XML file.
ClosingCreditBalance SAFmonetaryType Yes Credit balance at the end date of the selection period in the header’s default currency. The total of the credit amounts may be positive or negative. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign. If the account is created with a credit, use ClosingCreditBalance and do not report ClosingDebitBalance - meaning the element will not be present in the XML file.


Column Format Mandatory? Description
AccountID SAFmiddle2textType Yes The general ledger code based on the standard primarily used by the reporting company in their ERP.
AccountDescription SAFlongtextType Yes Name of the individual general ledger account.
StandardAccountID SAFmiddle1textType No The general ledger code (analytic account) used by the reporting company according to their chart of accounts, based on the standard defined by the Romanian authorities. This value is validated against codes present in the following nomenclatures (sheets) of the SAF-T Schema: PlanConturiBalSocCom, PlanConturiIFRS, PlanConturiIFRS_Norma39, PlanConturiBanci, PlanConturiNebancare, PlanConturiSocAsigurari, PlanConturi_Norma36.
AccountType SAFshorttextType Yes Identifies the account type, in Romanian language. Valid values: Activ - Active, Pasiv - Passive, Bifunctional - Bifunctional.
OpeningDebitBalance SAFmonetaryType Yes Debit balance at the start date of the selection period in the header’s default currency. The total of the debit amounts may be positive or negative. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign. If the account is created with a debit, use OpeningDebitBalance and do not report OpeningCreditBalance - meaning the element will not be present in the XML file.
OpeningCreditBalance SAFmonetaryType Yes Credit balance at the start date of the selection period in the header’s default currency. The total of the credit amounts may be positive or negative. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign. If the account is created with a credit, use OpeningCreditBalance and do not report OpeningDebitBalance - meaning the element will not be present in the XML file.
ClosingDebitBalance SAFmonetaryType Yes Debit balance at the end date of the selection period in the header’s default currency. The total of the debit amounts may be positive or negative. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign. If the account is created with a debit, use ClosingDebitBalance and do not report ClosingCreditBalance - meaning the element will not be present in the XML file.
ClosingCreditBalance SAFmonetaryType Yes Credit balance at the end date of the selection period in the header’s default currency. The total of the credit amounts may be positive or negative. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign. If the account is created with a credit, use ClosingCreditBalance and do not report ClosingDebitBalance - meaning the element will not be present in the XML file.


Column Format Mandatory? Description
JournalID SAFshorttextType Yes Source GL journal identifier, or invoices and payments in single ledger systems.
JournalDescription SAFlongtextType Yes Description of the journal.
TransactionID SAFmiddle2textType Yes Cross-reference to the GL posting. It can contain many different levels to identify the transaction. It may include cost centres such as company, division, region, group and branch/department.
Period nonNegativeInteger Yes The accounting period (that is, the month of the year). For example, 1 for January.
PeriodYear nonNegativeInteger Yes The year of the accounting period. Must be equal to or greater than 2020 and less than or equal to the current year.
TransactionDate Date Yes Document’s date.
SourceID SAFmiddle1textType No Details of the person or application that entered the transaction.
Description SAFlongtextType Yes Description of journal transaction.
SystemEntryDate Date Yes Date captured by the system. This field is validated according to ISO 8601.
GLPostingDate Date Yes Date of posting to GL. This field is validated according to ISO 8601.
CustomerID Yes No Identifies the customer company/organization. Set this value to the Id of the relevant business partner reported in BusinessPartners.csv.
SupplierID SAFmiddle1textType Yes Identifies the supplier company/organization. Set this value to the Id of the relevant business partner reported in BusinessPartners.csv.
SystemID No Unique number created by the system for the document.
RecordID SAFshorttextType Yes Identifier to trace entry to journal line or posting reference.
AccountID SAFmiddle2textType Yes The general ledger code (analytic account) used by the reporting company according to their chart of accounts, based on the standard defined by the Romanian authorities. This value is validated against codes present in the following nomenclatures (sheets) of the SAF-T Schema: PlanConturiBalSocCom, PlanConturiIFRS, PlanConturiIFRS_Norma39, PlanConturiBanci, PlanConturiNebancare, PlanConturiSocAsigurari, PlanConturi_Norma36.
DebitAmount SAFmonetaryType Yes Debit amount information for transaction. The debit amount may be positive or negative, to reflect the storno in black ink. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign. If the transaction line is debit, use DebitAmount and don’t report CreditAmount - meaning the item is not reported (will not be present in the XML file).
DebitCurrencyCode ISOCurrencyCode No Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for Euros, USD for American Dollars.
DebitCurrencyAmount SAFmonetaryType No Amount in foreign currency. Decimal number with two decimals separated by decimal point sign („ . ”). This amount may be positive or negative. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign".
DebitExchangeRate SAFexchangerateType Yes The exchange rate used for debit amount. DebitCurrencyAmount x DebitExchangeRate = DebitAmount.
CreditAmount SAFmonetaryType Yes Credit amount information for transaction. The credit amount may be positive or negative, to reflect the storno în black ink. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign. If the transaction line is credit, use CreditAmount and don’t report DebitAmount - meaning the item is not reported (will not be present in the XML file).
CreditCurrencyCode ISOCurrencyCode No Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for Euros, USD for American Dollars.
CreditCurrencyAmount SAFmonetaryType No Amount in foreign currency. Decimal number with two decimals separated by decimal point sign („ . ”). This amount may be positive or negative. Negative amounts are prefixed with the minus („-”) sign".
CreditExchangeRate SAFexchangerateType No The exchange rate used for credit amount. CreditCurrencyAmount x CreditExchangeRate = CreditAmount.
TaxType SAFcodeType Yes For the list of valid values, consult the “Tax-IMP - Impozite” sheet of the SAF-T Schema. If the transaction is not relevant to be reported for tax, use TaxType = 000 and TaxCode = 000000.
TaxCode SAFcodeType Yes The codes used to fill in the TaxCode are in the specific nomenclature according to the sheet “Legenda coduri taxa” of the SAF-T Schema: (i) Livrari, (ii) Achizitii ded 100%, (iii) Achizitii ded 50%_baserate, (iv) Achizitii ded 50%_not_know, (v) Achizitii ded 50%, (vi) Achizitii neded, (vii) Achizitii base rate, (viii) Achizitii not known, (ix) WHT - nomenclator, (x) TVA_NoteContabile, (xi) Achizitii neded 50%. If the tax type is other than VAT or WHT, use 000000.
TaxPercentage Decimal No The tax percentage.
TaxBase Decimal No The base on which the tax is calculated. This can be an amount.
TaxAmount SAFmonetaryType Yes Tax amount information.
TaxCurrencyCode ISOCurrencyCode No Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for Euros, USD for American Dollars.
TaxCurrencyAmount SAFmonetaryType No Tax amount in foreign currency.
TaxExchangeRate SAFexchangerateType No The exchange rate used for tax.


Column Format Mandatory? Description
InvoiceNo SAFmiddle2textType Yes The invoice number.
CustomerID Yes The ID of the customer on the invoice. To be filled only for sales invoices. This field is mutually exclusive with SupplierID. Set this value to the Id of the relevant business partner reported in BusinessPartners.csv.
SupplierID Yes The ID of the supplier on the invoice. To be filled only for purchase invoices. This field is mutually exclusive with CustomerID. Set this value to the Id of the relevant business partner reported in BusinessPartners.csv.
AccountID Yes The general ledger code (analytic account) used by the reporting company according to their chart of accounts, based on the standard defined by the Romanian authorities. This value is validated against codes present in the following nomenclatures (sheets) of the SAF-T Schema: PlanConturiBalSocCom, PlanConturiIFRS, PlanConturiIFRS_Norma39, PlanConturiBanci, PlanConturiNebancare, PlanConturiSocAsigurari, PlanConturi_Norma36.
InvoiceDate Date Yes Date of the invoice. Validated according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD).
InvoiceType SAFcodeType Yes Specifies the type of the invoice. Valid values: 380 - Commercial invoice, 381 - Credit note, 384 - Corrected invoice, 389 - Self-billed invoice, 575 - Insurer’s invoice, 751 - Invoice information for accounting purposes. These values originate from the sheet Nom_Tipuri_facturi of the SAF-T Schema.
SelfBillingIndicator SAFcodeType Yes Indicator showing if the invoice is a self-billed invoice. Valid values: 389 - Self-billed invoice, 0 - Not a self-billed invoice.
SystemID SAFmiddle1textType No Unique number created by the system for the document.
TransactionID SAFmiddle2textType No Cross-reference to GL posting. It can contain many different levels to identify the transaction. It may include cost centres such as company, division, region, group and branch/department.
MasterTaxBase Decimal No The base on which tax is calculated, for the whole invoice.
MasterTaxAmount SAFmonetaryType Yes The tax amount information, for the whole invoice.
MasterTaxCurrencyCode ISOCurrencyCode No The currency in which tax is calculated, for the whole invoice. This is a three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for Euros, USD for American Dollars.
MasterTaxCurrencyAmount SAFmonetaryType No The tax amount in foreign currency, if applicable.
MasterTaxExchangeRate SAFexchangerateType No The exchange rate used, if applicable.
MasterNetTotal SAFmonetaryType Yes The net total amount of the invoice.
MasterGrossTotal SAFmonetaryType Yes The gross total amount of the invoice.
LineNumber SAFshorttextType No The invoice line number.
LineAccountID SAFmiddle2textType Yes The general ledger code (analytic account) used by the reporting company for this line, according to their chart of accounts, based on the standard defined by the Romanian authorities. This value is validated against codes present in the following nomenclatures (sheets) of the SAF-T Schema: PlanConturiBalSocCom, PlanConturiIFRS, PlanConturiIFRS_Norma39, PlanConturiBanci, PlanConturiNebancare, PlanConturiSocAsigurari, PlanConturi_Norma36. If invoices issued as a result of sales based on tax code are not logged for accounting purposes, then this field must contain the generic account 411XXX, where XXX is the internal number of the account set by the taxpayer.
GoodsServicesID SAFcodeType No Indicator showing if goods or services are being reported. Valid values: 01 - Goods, 02 - Services.
ProductCode SAFmiddle2textType No The product code.
Description SAFlongtextType Yes The description of goods or services that are being reported. To be filled according to the description in taxpayer’s ERP system.
ProductCommodityCode SAFmiddle1textType Yes The CN (NC - Nomenclatură Combinată) code must be reported in accordance wih Romanian legislation, especially in cases such as: (i) import/export transactions, (ii) purchase/delivery of food products subject to reduced VAT rate based on CN code, (iii) movements within EU that are subject to INTRASTAT reporting, (iv) purchases/deliveries subject to local reverse charge VAT according to CN code, (v) transactions in excisable products for which excise duty is determined by CN code. The CN code contains eight digits. For valid values, see the NC8_2022_TARIC3 nomenclature in the SAF-T Schema. For insurance companies, also use the codes from the Nom_asig nomenclature. If the CN code is not applicable or required according to the Romanian law, fill in this field with value 0 (zero).
ValuationMethod SAFcodeType No The valuation method employed. Valid values: FIFO (First-In, First-Out), LIFO (Last-In, First-Out), Cost mediu (Weighted average cost).
UOMBase SAFcodeType Yes The unit of measure to manage stock for this product. For valid values, see the Unitati_masura sheet of the SAF-T Schema.
Quantity SAFquantityType Yes The quantity of goods or services supplied.
UnitPrice SAFmonetaryType Yes Unit price for the unit/group of units per UOM in the header’s default currency. Decimal number with two decimals separated by decimal point sign („ . ”). For approximations, use the rounding rules according to Order no. 978 from 8 July 2005 of the Romanian Ministry of Finance.
LineDescription SAFlongtextType Yes Description of the invoice line.
InvoiceLineAmount SAFmonetaryType Yes The amount of the invoice line.
InvoiceLineCurrencyCode ISOCurrencyCode No The currency code of the invoice line, if applicable.
InvoiceLineCurrencyAmount SAFmonetaryType No The invoice line amount in foreign currency, if applicable.
InvoiceLineExchangeRate SAFexchangerateType No The exchange rate used, if applicable.
DebitCreditIndicator SAFcodeType Yes Indicates whether the amounts on line level are debit or credit amounts. This entry must correspond to the entry reflected in General Ledger. Signing of line amounts is relative to this indicator. For example, a return can lead to a negative amount. Valid values: C - Credit, D - Debit.
TaxType SAFcodeType Yes For the list of valid values, consult the “Tax-IMP - Impozite” sheet of the SAF-T Schema. If the transaction is not relevant to be reported for tax, use TaxType = 000 and TaxCode = 000000.
TaxCode SAFcodeType Yes The codes used to fill in the TaxCode are in the specific nomenclature according to the sheet “Legenda coduri taxa” of the SAF-T Schema: (i) Livrari, (ii) Achizitii ded 100%, (iii) Achizitii ded 50%_baserate, (iv) Achizitii ded 50%_not_know, (v) Achizitii ded 50%, (vi) Achizitii neded, (vii) Achizitii base rate, (viii) Achizitii not known, (ix) WHT - nomenclator, (x) TVA_NoteContabile, (xi) Achizitii neded 50%. If the tax type is other than VAT or WHT, use 000000.
TaxPercentage Decimal No The tax percentage.
TaxBase Decimal No The base on which the tax is calculated. This can be an amount.
TaxAmount SAFmonetaryType Yes Tax amount information.
TaxCurrencyCode ISOCurrencyCode No Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for Euros, USD for American Dollars.
TaxCurrencyAmount SAFmonetaryType No Tax amount in foreign currency.
TaxExchangeRate SAFexchangerateType No The exchange rate used for tax.


Column Format Mandatory? Description
PaymentRefNo SAFmiddle1textType 35 Yes The unique reference number of the payment.
Period nonNegativeInteger No The accounting period (that is, the month of the year). For example, 1 for January.
PeriodYear nonNegativeInteger No The year of the accounting period. Must be equal to or greater than 2020 and less than or equal to the current year.
TransactionID SAFmiddle2textType No Cross-reference to GL posting. It can contain many different levels to identify the transaction. It may include cost centres such as company, division, region, group and branch/department.
TransactionDate Date Yes Document date.
PaymentMethod Yes Identifies the payment method (cheque, bank, giro, cash etc). For validation, refer to the nomenclature Nom_Mecanisme_plati of the SAF-T Schema.
Description SAFlongtextType Yes Description of the payment.
SystemID SAFmiddle1textType No Unique number created by the system for the document.
LineNumber SAFshorttextType No Number of the payment line.
SourceDocumentID SAFmiddle1textType No The source document to which the line relates.
AccountID SAFmiddle2textType Yes The general ledger code (analytic account) used by the reporting company according to their chart of accounts, based on the standard defined by the Romanian authorities. This value is validated against codes present in the following nomenclatures (sheets) of the SAF-T Schema: PlanConturiBalSocCom, PlanConturiIFRS, PlanConturiIFRS_Norma39, PlanConturiBanci, PlanConturiNebancare, PlanConturiSocAsigurari, PlanConturi_Norma36.
CustomerID SAFmiddle1textType Yes Identifies the customer company/organization. Set this value to the Id of the relevant business partner reported in BusinessPartners.csv.
SupplierID SAFmiddle1textType Yes Identifies the supplier company/organization. Set this value to the Id of the relevant business partner reported in BusinessPartners.csv.
DebitCreditIndicator SAFcodeType Yes Indicates whether the amounts on line level are debit or credit amounts. This entry must correspond to the entry reflected in General Ledger. Signing of line amounts is relative to this indicator. For example, a return can lead to a negative amount. Valid values: C - Credit, D - Debit.
PaymentLineAmount SAFmonetaryType Yes The amount of the payment line.
PaymentLineCurrencyCode ISOCurrencyCode No The currency code of the payment line, if applicable.
PaymentLineCurrencyAmount SAFmonetaryType No The payment line amount in foreign currency, if applicable.
PaymentLineExchangeRate SAFexchangerateType No The exchange rate used, if applicable.
TaxType SAFcodeType Yes For the list of valid values, consult the “Tax-IMP - Impozite” sheet of the SAF-T Schema. If the transaction is not relevant to be reported for tax, use TaxType = 000 and TaxCode = 000000.
TaxCode SAFcodeType Yes The codes used to fill in the TaxCode are in the specific nomenclature according to the sheet “Legenda coduri taxa” of the SAF-T Schema: (i) Livrari, (ii) Achizitii ded 100%, (iii) Achizitii ded 50%_baserate, (iv) Achizitii ded 50%_not_know, (v) Achizitii ded 50%, (vi) Achizitii neded, (vii) Achizitii base rate, (viii) Achizitii not known, (ix) WHT - nomenclator, (x) TVA_NoteContabile, (xi) Achizitii neded 50%. If the tax type is other than VAT or WHT, use 000000.
TaxPercentage Decimal No The tax percentage.
TaxBase Decimal No The base on which the tax is calculated. This can be an amount.
TaxAmount SAFmonetaryType Yes Tax amount information.
TaxCurrencyCode ISOCurrencyCode No Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard. Example: EUR for Euros, USD for American Dollars.
TaxCurrencyAmount SAFmonetaryType No Tax amount in foreign currency.
TaxExchangeRate SAFexchangerateType No The exchange rate used for tax.


Column Format Mandatory? Description
WarehouseID SAFmiddle1textType Yes Warehouse where goods are held. May also be used to identify production under way, or stock in transit.
ProductCode SAFmiddle2textType Yes The product code.
ProductType SAFshorttextType Yes The product type. Used to determine whether the product or stock account is raw material, work-in-progress, finished good, merchandise for resale, etc.
StockAccountCommodityCode SAFmiddle1textType Yes The commodity code associated with the stock account. For valid values, see the NC8_2022_TARIC3 nomenclature in the SAF-T Schema.
OwnerID SAFmiddle1textType Yes Identifies the owner of the stock. Set this value to the Id of the relevant business partner reported in BusinessPartners.csv.
GoodsServicesID SAFcodeType No Indicator showing if goods or services are being reported. Valid values: 01 - Goods, 02 - Services.
Description SAFlongtextType Yes Description of goods or services.
ProductCommodityCode Yes The commodity code associated with the product. For valid values, see the NC8_2022_TARIC3 nomenclature in the SAF-T Schema.
ValuationMethod SAFcodeType No The valuation method employed. Valid values: FIFO (First-In, First-Out), LIFO (Last-In, First-Out), Cost mediu (Weighted average cost).
UOMBase SAFcodeType Yes The unit of measure used to manage product stocks. For valid values, see the Unitati_masura nomenclature in the SAF-T Schema.
OpeningStockQuantity SAFquantityType Yes The quantity of stock at the start date of the reporting period.
OpeningStockValue SAFmonetaryType Yes The stock value at the start date of the reporting period, in the header’s currency.
ClosingStockQuantity SAFquantityType Yes The quantity of stock at the end date of the reporting period.
ClosingStockValue SAFmonetaryType Yes The stock value at the end date of the reporting period, in the header’s currency.
UnitPrice SAFmonetaryType Yes Base unit price in the header’s default currency.


Column Format Mandatory? Description
MovementReference SAFmiddle1textType Yes Unique reference to the movement.
MovementDate Date Yes Document date. Validated according to ISO 8601 standard (YYYY-MM-DD).
MovementType SAFcodeType Yes The type of the process for the underlying lines. For example: production, sales, purchase, etc. Validated according to the Nomenclator stocuri nomenclature of the SAF-T Schema.
DocumentType SAFshorttextType Yes The source document type for the respective movement.
DocumentNumber SAFmiddle1textType Yes The source document number for the respective movement.
DocumentLine SAFshorttextType No The line number in the source document for the respective movement.
LineNumber SAFshorttextType Yes The number of the movement line.
AccountID SAFmiddle2textType Yes The general ledger code (analytic account) used by the reporting company according to their chart of accounts, based on the standard defined by the Romanian authorities. This value is validated against codes present in the following nomenclatures (sheets) of the SAF-T Schema: PlanConturiBalSocCom, PlanConturiIFRS, PlanConturiIFRS_Norma39, PlanConturiBanci, PlanConturiNebancare, PlanConturiSocAsigurari, PlanConturi_Norma36.
CustomerID SAFmiddle1textType Yes Set this value to the Id of the relevant business partner reported in BusinessPartners.csv.
SupplierID SAFmiddle1textType Yes Set this value to the Id of the relevant business partner reported in BusinessPartners.csv.
ProductCode SAFmiddle2textType Yes The product code.
GoodsServicesID SAFcodeType No Indicator showing if goods or services are being reported. Valid values: 01 - Goods, 02 - Services.
Description SAFlongtextType Yes Description of goods or services.
ProductCommodityCode SAFmiddle1textType Yes The commodity code associated with the product. For valid values, see the NC8_2022_TARIC3 nomenclature in the SAF-T Schema.
ValuationMethod SAFcodeType No The valuation method employed. Valid values: FIFO (First-In, First-Out), LIFO (Last-In, First-Out), Cost mediu (Weighted average cost).
UOMBase SAFcodeType Yes The unit of measure used. For valid values, see the Unitati_masura nomenclature in the SAF-T Schema.
Quantity SAFquantityType Yes The quantity of goods.
BookValue SAFmonetaryType No Value of the transaction line as registered in the general ledger in the header’s default currency.
MovementSubType SAFcodeType Yes Identifies the type of the movement on line/article level. For valid values, see the Nomenclator stocuri nomenclature of the SAF-T Schema.


Column Format Mandatory? Description
AssetID SAFmiddle1textType Yes The unique identifier of the asset.
AccountID SAFmiddle2textType Yes The general ledger code (analytic account) used by the reporting company according to their chart of accounts, based on the standard defined by the Romanian authorities. This value is validated against codes present in the following nomenclatures (sheets) of the SAF-T Schema: PlanConturiBalSocCom, PlanConturiIFRS, PlanConturiIFRS_Norma39, PlanConturiBanci, PlanConturiNebancare, PlanConturiSocAsigurari, PlanConturi_Norma36.
Description SAFlongtextType Yes The asset description.
DateOfAcquisition Date Yes Date of the acquisition of the asset (usually the date of delivery). Validated according to ISO 8601 standard.
StartUpDate Date Yes Commissioning date of the asset. Validated according to ISO 8601 standard.
SupplierID SAFmiddle1textType Yes Set this value to the Id of the relevant business partner reported in BusinessPartners.csv.
AssetValuationType SAFshorttextType Yes Describes the purpose for the reporting. For example: commercial, tax in country 1, tax in country 2, etc.
ValuationClass SAFshorttextType Yes Describes the classification of the asset for tax reporting purposes.
AcquisitionAndProductionCostsBegin SAFmonetaryType Yes Total costs of the acquisition and/or production of the asset at the start date of the reporting period, in the header’s default currency.
AcquisitionAndProductionCostsEnd SAFmonetaryType Yes Total costs of the acquisition and/or production of the asset at the end date of the reporting period, in the header’s default currency.
InvestmentSupport SAFmonetaryType Yes Total amount of investment support for this asset in the header’s default currency (that is, the amount of increase in value of the assets due to reconstruction, overhaul, etc).
AssetLifeYear Decimal Yes Period of useful life in years. This field is mutually exclusive with AssetLifeMonth.
AssetLifeMonth Decimal Yes Period of useful life in months. This field is mutually exclusive with AssetLifeYear.
AssetAddition SAFmonetaryType Yes The accounting (book) value of the acquisition and/or production of the asset in the reporting period, in the header’s default currency.
Transfers SAFmonetaryType Yes The accounting (book) value of the transfers of the asset during the reporting period, in the header’s default currency.
AssetDisposal SAFmonetaryType Yes The accounting (book) value of the disposals of the asset during the reporting period in the header’s default currency.
BookValueBegin SAFmonetaryType Yes The accounting (book) value at the beginning of the reporting period, in the header’s default currency.
DepreciationMethod SAFmiddle1textType Yes Method of normal depreciation of the asset during the reporting period.
DepreciationPercentage Decimal Yes The rate of the normal depreciation of the asset per year or month (this depends on whether AssetLifeYear or AssetLifeMonth is reported).
DepreciationForPeriod SAFmonetaryType Yes The total amount of normal depreciation during the reporting period, in the header’s default currency.
AppreciationForPeriod SAFmonetaryType Yes The total amount of appreciation of the asset during the reporting period, in the header’s default currency.
AccumulatedDepreciation SAFmonetaryType Yes Total amount of depreciation for this asset.
BookValueEnd SAFmonetaryType Yes The accounting (book) value at the end of the reporting period, in the header’s default currency.
ExtraordinaryDepreciationMethod SAFmiddle1textType Yes Method of extraordinary depreciation of the asset during the reporting period.
ExtraordinaryDepreciationAmountForPeriod SAFmonetaryType Yes The amount of extraordinary depreciation of the asset during the reporting period, in the header’s default currency.


Column Format Mandatory? Description
AssetTransactionID SAFmiddle2textType Yes The unique identifier of the transaction.
AssetTransactionType SAFcodeType Yes The transaction type. Validated according to the nomenclature Nomenclator imobilizari of the SAF-T Schema.
AssetTransactionDate Date Yes The logged date of the transaction. Validated according to ISO 8601 standard (YYYY-MM-DD).
TransactionID SAFmiddle2textType Yes Cross reference to the GL posting in the journal. It can contain many different levels to identify the transaction. It may include cost centres such as company, division, region, group and branch/department.
AcquisitionAndProductionCostOnTransaction SAFmonetaryType Yes Costs of acquisition and/or production of the related asset transaction, in the header’s default currency on the date of transaction.
BookValueOnTransaction SAFmonetaryType Yes The accounting (book) value of the related asset transaction, in the header’s default currency on the date of transaction.
AssetTransactionAmount SAFmonetaryType Yes The net amount of the related asset transaction, in the header’s default currency (for instance, the net sale revenue).
AssetID SAFmiddle1textType Yes The unique identifier of the asset.