User Management Service

Access info

Required access keys App-level service access key
Pricing Please contact us for details at
Notes To call the service, the access key must be provided in the x-api-key header of the HTTP request. If you are using the GraphQL console, you can view the service’s documentation and schema only after entering an access key. Make sure that the scope of the key allows access to the queries and mutations that you require. For example, to grant the key access to all queries and mutations, the keys’s scope must be set to user-management-api:query:* user-management-api:mutation:*.


The User Management Service provides calling apps the ability to authenticate users with existing Google or Microsoft accounts. Implementing this service means that users who already have a Google or Microsoft account will be able to sign into your app and use its resources. More specifically, the User Management Service provides the following features:

  • Sign in users into your app with their Google or Microsoft account.
  • Sign out users
  • Exchange a refresh token for an access token, if the latter has expired
  • Exchange an access token for a user ID.


  • Your app must be registered on the Google Cloud Platform or the Microsoft Azure platform, respectively. More specifically, your app must be configured to have a consent screen that will be displayed to the users when they grant permission to your app to access their Google or Microsoft profile.
  • Your app must be capable to issue an authorization request to Google or Microsoft and obtain a JSON Web Token (JWT) in the response (also known as “id token”). The JWT is required to sign the user into your app.
  • Your SBS app must be updated to have the client secrets as obtained from Google or Microsoft (this includes an application ID, a client ID, a client secret, and other configuration). You can perform this step either programmatically from the Account API or from the SBS Console, see Configure Google OAuth 2.0 Client Secrets and Configure Azure OAuth 2.0 Client Secrets.



Returns the ID of the user based on the access token provided as input.


Argument Type Description
access_token String! The access token obtained from the authorization server.


The SBS-generated ID of the user signed into your app.


Returns a user by their ID.


Argument Type Description
id ID! Mandatory. The ID of the user to be retrieved.


See the User type.



Argument Type Description
filter UsersFilter Optional. Lets you specify user filtering options, as UsersFilter input.
nextToken String Optional argument used to fetch the next set of query results. This value can be obtained from the nextToken attribute of the UsersResult type.
UsersFilter input

All attributes of the UsersFilter object are optional. If you specify multiple options, they will be connected by a logical AND.

Attribute Type Description
email EmailAddress Optional. Specifies the user’s email address as filtering option.
provider Provider Optional. Specifies the OAuth 2.0 provider as filtering option. Valid values: GOOGLE, MICROSOFT.
createdAt DateFilter Optional. Specifies a date range in which the user was created in SBS, as filtering option.
DateFilter input
Attribute Type Description
from Date Optional. The start date of the date range.
to Date Optional. The end date of the date range.


UsersResult type
Attribute Type Description
items User The list of users, where each user is an User type.
nextToken String If null, then the query has reached the end of the list of invoices that match the query criteria. If not null, then use this value in the nextToken input argument to obtain the next page.
User type
Attribute Type Description
id ID The SBS-generated identifier of the user.
name String The user’s name obtained from the OpenID Provider.
family_name String The user’s family name obtained from the OpenID Provider.
given_name String The user’s given name obtained from the OpenID Provider.
email EmailAddress The user’s email address obtained from the OpenID Provider. If the provider is MICROSOFT, this value could be a string which is not necessarily a verified email. To set this value to a verified email, run the setVerifiedEmail mutation.
picture Uri The URI, obtained from the OpenID Provider, at which the user’s picture is available.
provider Uri The OpenID Provider. This can be either GOOGLE or MICROSOFT.
googleUserInfo GoogleUserInfo The user’s information retrieved from Google JWT token’s payload, as a GoogleUserInfo object.
microsoftUserInfo MicrosoftUserInfo The user’s information retrieved from Microsoft JWT token’s payload, as a MicrosoftUserInfo object.
createdAt DateTime The date and time when the user record was created in SBS.
GoogleUserInfo type
Attribute Type Description
iss Uri The token’s issuer.
sub String The token’s subject (that is, to whom this token refers).
azp String The token’s authorized party (that is, the party to whom this token was issued).
aud String The token’s audience.
iat Float The timestamp when the token was issued.
exp Float The timestamp when the token expires.
email EmailAddress The email claim stored in the token.
email_verified Boolean Specifies if the email is verified (true), false otherwise.
name String The user’s name claim stored in the token.
picture Uri The user’s picture URI claim stored in the token.
given_name String The user’s given name claim stored in the token.
family_name String The user’s family name claim stored in the token.
locale String The user’s locale.
MicrosoftUserInfo type
Attribute Type Description
sub String The token’s subject (that is, to whom this token refers).
name String The user’s name claim stored in the token.
email EmailAddress The email claim stored in the token.
preferred_username String The user’s preferred username claim stored in the token.
aud String The token’s audience.
iat Float The timestamp when the token was issued.
exp Float The timestamp when the token expires.


Returns the API version.



Generates a numeric code that is valid for 5 minutes. The generated code must be supplied as input to the setVerifiedEmail mutation in order for it to succeed.


Attribute Type Description
userId ID! Mandatory. The ID of the user whose email is to be verified.
email EmailAddress! Mandatory. The email of the user whose email is to be verified. Note that the user’s email provider should be MICROSOFT.


The generated verification code, as a string.


Obtains from the identity provider new tokens (including an access token), based on the refresh token supplied as input.


Attribute Type Description
refresh_token String! Mandatory. Supplies the refresh token to be used as input.


Token type
Attribute Type Description
access_token String The access token obtained from the OpenID provider.
expires_in Float The access token’s expiry date.
refresh_token String The refresh token obtained from the OpenID provider.
user User See the User type.


When you sign in a user and the provider is MICROSOFT, the value returned in the response field is not necessarily a verified email (for example, it may be a string such as a phone number of some user alias). If your app’s business requirements mandate that users have a verified email address, then you should implement an email validation outside of SBS, with the goal of obtaining the user’s verified email address. For example, your app may prompt the user to enter their email address and then send an email to their inbox. If the user confirms that they own the inbox (perhaps by clicking a verification link in the email message), then their email address is considered verified. Once you have the verified email address, run this mutation to set the email as verified in SBS as well.


Attribute Type Description
userId ID! Mandatory. The ID of the user whose email address is to be updated.
email EmailAddress! Mandatory. The verified email address.
verificationCode String! Mandatory. The verification code generated by the generateEmailVerificationCode mutation.


See the User type.


Authenticates an user based on the JSON Web Token (JWT) supplied as input.


Attribute Type Description
input SignInInput! Mandatory. The input to the sign in, as a SignInInput type.
SignInInput type
Attribute Type Description
provider Provider! Mandatory. Specifies the identity provider. Valid values: GOOGLE, MICROSOFT.
id_token String! Mandatory. The JSON Web Token (JWT) obtained from the identity provider.


See the Token type.


Signs out an user based on the refresh token supplied as input.


Attribute Type Description
refresh_token String! Mandatory. The refresh token to be used as input.


See the User type.