Sign in to the SBS Console

To sign in to the SBS Console, you need either a Google or Microsoft email account. The email address itself may be a business email account that has a custom domain other than the default one provided by Google or Microsoft.

This is the only prerequisite if you are going to be the first user (or the root user) in your organization that will configure your organization’s account with SBS. As discussed below, the root user can subsequently add other people to the organization’s SBS account, and further delegate all the SBS configuration tasks that may be required.

If the root SBS user is someone else in your organization, then that person must grant you access to the SBS Console, and, more specifically, to your organization’s account. For information about adding account users and configuring their permissions, see Accounts and account users.

You can sign in to the console at, by clicking either Sign in with Google or Sign in with Microsoft, as applicable.

Sign in