e-Transport UI

From the e-Transport page of the SBS portal, you can perform the following actions:

  • View the list of shipments created by your organization
  • For each shipment, view its stages (such as Notification, Modification, Deletion), and download any accompanying XML files
  • Sort and filter shipments and shipment stages

Before using the e-Transport service, make sure that you have created an organization and then authorized it with ANAF.


You can access the e-Transport page of the portal as follows:

  1. Sign in to the SBS Portal. During the sign-in process, you will be prompted to select the account, app, and tenant where you are entitled to sign in.
  2. Click RO e-Transport in the left hand-side menu.
  3. If applicable, select the organization from the drop-down list at the top of the page.

To view or manage e-Transport data for a different, account, app, or tenant, switch accounts.

To interact with the e-Transport service, you can use either the Web UI or a GraphQL interface. You can switch at any time between the two interfaces by clicking the switch displayed at the top of the page:

Switch between Web and GraphQL

View shipments

Shipments are e-Transport notifications created by your organization and uploaded to ANAF, with the purpose of obtaining a UIT - unique transport identification number. A shipment may consist of multiple stages. At the minimum, each shipment contains a “Notification” stage. When you modify a shipment record, however, a new “Modification” stage is created. Likewise, if you delete a shipment record, a “Deletion” stage is created.

Whenever you click a row in the Shipments grid, its stages are loaded in the Stages grid.


By default, shipments are ordered by their creation date, most recent first. To refresh the grid, click Refresh Refresh button in the top-right corner of the grid.

The “Shipments” grid contains the following columns:

SBS fetches the latest information from ANAF every minute. So, for example, if the status is UPLOADED, then you will need to wait at least 1 minute and then click the refresh button to get the latest status information. This applies both to shipments and shipment stages.

Shipment stages

The “Stages” grid contains the following columns:

To download the XML file associated with each stage, click the XML XML icon icon on the respective row.

Choose grid columns

Optionally, you can customize the grid to display less columns. This apples for both “Shipments” and “Stages” grids.

To remove a column from the grid:

  1. Click the Column chooser Column chooser icon button on the grid. The Column Chooser dialog appears.
  2. Drag a column header from the grid onto the column chooser area.

To add a column back the grid:

  1. Click the Column chooser Column chooser icon button on the grid. The Column Chooser dialog box appears:

    Column chooser dialog

  2. Drag the column of interest from the column chooser onto the grid.

Create, modify, delete shipments